Cardiovascular MRI is complex and requires technologist and physician expertise. Cardiologists often need to be involved in protocoling and troubleshooting during study acquisition to ensure a complete, quality study is acquired. However, tying the cardiologist to the MRI control room reduces their productivity and revenue generating capabilities.

The benefits of Telepresence using Catalyst include:

  1. Ensure cardiologists can address technologist questions without being pulled away from their current activities and wasting time getting to the MRI control room.
  2. Enable the cardiologist to spend more time on revenue generating activities such as reading studies and seeing patients.
  3. Maximize technologist productivity and MRI scanner utilization.
  4. Reduce the prevalence of non-billable, non-diagnostic or incomplete studies.

Telepresence Positioning Paper

Read this positioning paper to learn about the challenges affecting cardiologist oversight of cardiac MRI studies, and the opportunities and benefits that can be realized when a cardiologist can provide the same level of oversight remotely, while the patient is still in the MRI scanner.

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The current model of having a cardiologist in the MRI control room and immediately available to the technologist has significant merit but is not possible or practical for many organizations. All organizations benefit from Catalyst Telepresence, which enables the cardiologist to provide clinical oversight from a remote location.

  • Organizations that schedule a cardiologist in the MRI control room can increase their productivity.
  • Organizations that do not have a cardiologist oversee their cardiac MRI studies can realize more consistent study quality and greater clinical value from their cardiac MRI, while maintaining current cardiologist productivity levels.